All About the Facts of Mouthwash

Do you know all there is to know about mouthwash? If not, it’s time to learn. The more you know about mouthwash, the better chance you have of choosing the right product and properly using it. So, our dentist, Dr. Tom Pinnavaia, is happy to tell you all about mouthwash in Charlotte, North Carolina, by sharing the following facts with... read more »

Toothbrushing Toolkit: What to Know

If it's been awhile since you’ve received a lecture from your dentist about the basics of toothbrushing, maybe it's time that you revisit the topic. Things don't always stay the same and modern methods and advanced technology have changed what was once considered settled science. Q: What kind of toothbrush should I use? A: Dentists recommend a soft-bristle so that... read more »

Tooth Tips to Remineralize Your Teeth

Your teeth are covered above the gum line by tooth enamel, an extremely strong oral substance that is tougher than any other component of your smile. However, despite its durability, tooth enamel can be weakened by acids and time, and when it disappears it is gone for good. Luckily, tooth enamel goes through a process called remineralization to strengthen itself.... read more »

The Dental Brigade and Unhealthy Foods to Avoid

How would you rank your oral health care? Do you feel you're doing enough to brush and floss daily and clean your mouth out as needed? Even if you do believe you're doing enough, it is important to remember that cleaning your mouth alone will often require additional work. All the cleaning in the world can't help you if you... read more »

Fall in Love with Your Smile Thanks to Cavity Prevention Treatments

If you would like to take care of your smile to the point that it is protected, one of the first things you need to do is guard your teeth against cavities. Cavities arise when holes in your tooth enamel are formed, typically by acid erosion. Cavities are incredibly hazardous to your smile because they can form and arise at... read more »

Nature’s Toothbrush

Were you aware that celery can be good for your oral health? It’s true! Celery is one of the most helpful things you can consume for your oral health, and it’s even been called nature’s toothbrush. Find out a bit more about this oral superfood by going over this post, and feel free to ask us about good diet choices... read more »

The Steps to Building a Better Smile: Chewing Gum

Your oral health care is essential for the longevity of your teeth and gums. To make sure oral ailments such as dry mouth cannot occur, you can use an effective technique such a chewing sugarless gum, to help promote the creation of saliva in your mouth. Chewing sugarless gum has been shown to help with heartburn. Heartburn is a disorder... read more »

Take Care of Your Teeth with Cosmetic Dentistry

Are you aware of the benefits of cosmetic dentistry? Cosmetic dentistry is a highly advanced branch of dentistry designed to improve the look of your teeth and your smile. Through the use of restorations and replacements for damaged or missing teeth, cosmetic dentistry can drastically improve your smile in a wide verity of ways. When it comes to cosmetic dentistry... read more »

Dental Solutions for Damaged Teeth

There are a multitude of ways that teeth can become damaged. Beyond the trauma of a violent accident to your mouth, there are the more mundane but all too common reasons of bad oral hygiene, and poor nutrition and diet. Less common but still a factor are family genetics or an unknown but underlying dental issue that has gone undiscovered.... read more »

Oral Health Care Fundamentals: Jaw and Facial Pain

Although there are numerous causes of jaw and facial pain, it is important to keep track of every time it arises, as it can often be linked to an ailment or issue with your oral health. Always be aware of the symptoms of jaw pain, as well as potential treatment methods that can be administered to help alleviate the pain.... read more »